My trip started out like most trips; travel, nervousness and excitement. Once our team got to our place, our local missionary, who I cannot name to protect them, showed us one of the places of worship. I have to admit that the place was very ornate and beautiful yet I sensed a presence of evil.
As our team went into this place, we saw many worshiping one of the many idols or gods in the place. They were chanting, bowing and praying to these pieces of wood and stone. It saddened me that this was what they considered "god."
One of the priest recognizing I was a westerner asked if I would like for him to give me a blessing. Curious of what this might entail, I decided to participate. After the priest had given me some holy water to drink (water with some spices) and holy fruit to eat (nuts, dates and raisins), he rang a bell to wake up the "god." Then the priest looked at me and said I will pray for you after you give an offering. So I gave the only thing I had: cash. Once I gave the priest some cash, he prayed for me and lit some incense for me. At the end of the ritual, the priest handed me a banana and said I had been blessed.
The saddest part about this visit was a lady that I saw in the corner of the room. She was sitting on the floor, chanting and weeping. I asked the priest what was happening with the lady. Through an interpreter, he told my friends and I that the lady had suffer 3 miscarriages and that she was praying to her "god" for 24 hours straight that she would not miscarry her current child.
My heart was broken. Here were people having to ring a bell to wake up their "gods." Here were people having to beg and plead for miracles by chanting and here were people having to pay for blessings by bringing gifts. These were people who need to hear about the Grace of God. These were people who needed missionaries to reach out to them.
If you are reading this, please pray for these people and this place. You see this was only one place of many in this place without the Gospel. In this one city where we were 80% of the people are lost without Christ, Please consider how you could reach out to this dark place that has at least 35 unreached/under engaged people groups who do not know the gospel.
As I left that place, I wondered why this was happening. I was wondering where were the Christian believers in this place. Why were they not trying to reach these people who needed hope?