As some of us get older, we begin to think on life and what we have done and what we haven't done. Well, this morning I was playing some of my Jim Croce music and I heard a song that I would say sums up how I feel. The song is called the "Hard Way Every Time". Read these words:
Cause I've had my share of good intentions and I've made my share of mistakes And I've learned at time its best to bend because if don't well those are the breaks.
Should have listen to all the things I was told but I was young and too proud at the time.
Now I look at myself to find, I've learned the hard way everytime.
Well I've had my share of broken dreams and more than a couple of falls and in chasing what I thought were moonbeams I have run into a couple of walls
But in looking back at the faces I've been I sure be the first one to say when I look at myself today,
(written by Jim Croce)
I can say that everything that God in His Providence has allowed in my life has made me who I am today. The good and the bad, my response in obedience and disobedience to God has shaped me.
Today is my birthday. 46 years of living. I look forward to the future to see what God is going to do to make me more like Christ. Good or bad, I pray that my heart attitude will always be: "Lord, what are you teaching me and if has to be 'The Hard Way' so be it that I can be made the way you want me to be.